All the things that I use
Editor + terminal
- Visual Studio Code is my primary editor.
- It changes from time to time, but I’m currently using the Meslo font, patched by Nerd Fonts.
- On macOS and Linux, my terminal emulator of choice is WezTerm. I really like that WezTerm is configured by a json or lua file I can keep in source control. You can see my config in my dotfiles.
- I stick with Windows Terminal on PC (at least until WezTerm gets a bit more stable there).
- My shell of choice is zsh and I use Antigen as a plugin manager. You can see my full zsh setup in my dotfiles.
- I use Oh My Posh to build my prompt; if you’re still using Powerlevel10k, I recommend checking it out!
- I wrote my own terminal / editor theme, Alloy, but have slowly been switching to Catppuccin Frappe in most places.
Desktop apps
- All of my websites are hosted with Cloudflare pages, except for a few stragglers still on Netlify. I love being able to manage my domains, their DNS records, and deployments all from the same tool.
- For work (and more complex personal projects) I use Angular; I know it doesn’t have the same level of popularity as React, but I find its developer experience unmatched.
- This site is built with Eleventy.
- If at all possible, I use Linux for development. My desktop Linux distribution of choice is Linux Mint. I’ve been using it off and on starting in 2013 and it’s been my favorite reliable distro since.
- I’ve been gaming on Windows since I could walk, and that probably won’t change soon, but Linux gaming is getting better every day. Maybe one day I’ll be able to ditch Windows entirely. For now, I use WSL to make my life a little easier.
- I was a long time Mac hater, but after using a M2 Macbook Pro for work… I don’t mind it. I treat it basically like Linux and still get frustrated by some of its peculiarities and bonkers UX decisions, but it’s a solid machine with great battery life, and I can’t really ask for more in a workhorse laptop. Still not going to buy an iPhone.